Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Too many ideas, too little time

I feel like I haven't been able to work on any of my many tech-related projects lately ... or at the very least haven't been able to make much headway on any of them.

  • Project Spedini - on hold. this still interests me, but I was having to spend a lot of time trying to figure out how to interface with the UI as a human, and not on the part I really cared about ... the algorithms to decipher what was going on and predict what was happening next.
  • TDD project - I have been slowly working through a demo project for myself to try and get a little bit more experience in TDD and testing habits (since my current work doesn't use them) but this is going slowly.
  • Delicious Blogger Python Script - no real work on this since my last post :-(
  • AJAX Framework Testing - I did some initial work with Python but not much else b/c the use I had for it at work fizzled when we decided to solve the problem another way.
  • RoboCode - I have to thank some Cincinnati friends for this one. They are all trying their hand at creating some robot AI for the RoboCode environment and of course, I got interested and had to start one too. This is a really neat idea and a nice way to try things out and get some immediate results (having the whole graphical testbed and environment already written is the key). I have a very simple bot coded up .... which find it hard to hit another dummy bot that just drives in a circle ... but at least its a start. If anyone is interested in writing a bot or talking about ideas, let me know!
Like I said, too many ideas, too little time.

If the weather holds up,
I am planning to go to the Gateway JUG meeting tonight
for the Adobe Flex presentation ...
but its snowing pretty hard at the moment.

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